Surface insertion of
ascorbyl palmitate in phospholipid monolayers
Laura Fanani*1, Milagro Mottola1, Natalia
Wilke1, Luciano Benedini2 y Bruno Maggio1
Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Córdoba (CIQUIBIC - CONICET).
Depto. Química Biológica, Fac. Ciencias Químicas, Univ. Nac. Córdoba, Córdoba. (2)
Instituto de Química del Sur (INQUISUR – CONICET). Depto. Química, Univ. Nacional del
Sur, Bahía Blanca. *lfanani@fcq.unc.edu.ar
palmitate (ASC16) is a molecule of potential pharmacological interest due to
its antioxidant properties and amphiphilic nature. In this work we investigated
its interaction with model lipid monolayers. ASC16 shows an ionizable OH group
(pKa 4.2) that leads to a charged surface upon its insertion/adsorption to
interface (1). When ASC16 is
added to the subfase of a phospholipid monolayer it incorporates to the film
showing a non-classical bimodal kinetics. From the analysis of mixed Langmuir
films and Brewster angle microscopy we can conclude that the insertion kinetics
of ASC16 leads to a two-dimensional phase transition from liquid-expanded
(phospholipid-reach) film to a liquid-condensed phase enriched in the
amphiphilic drug. The latter phase is highly stable at the interface reaching
surface pressure values of ~65mN/m and a
theoretical cut off value near 70mN/m. Subphase pH and ionic strength are
determinant of both the features of ASC16 aggregates in the bulk phase and of the
kinetic properties of ASC16 insertion in phospholipid monolayers. Those effects
are due to different biophysical properties of the drug in its charged and
neutral states. Additionally, we evaluated the insertion of ASC16 in
phospholipid/cholesterol monolayers. In this condition the kinetic of insertion
shows a fast hyperbolic increase. Preliminary results suggest that the presence
of cholesterol disrupts the ASC16-enriched liquid-condensed phase promoting a
rapid ASC16 insertion in the membrane.
References: (1). Benedini, L.,
Fanani, M. L., Maggio, B., Wilke, N., Messina, P., Palma, S., and Schulz, P.
(2011) Langmuir 27, 10914-10919
Aknoledgments: This work was
supported by CONICET, FONCyT, SECyT-UNC. MLF, NW and BM are career researchers